Installing a fiber optic network is hard work. There’s many calculations that need to be done about data and speeds, and a lot of equipment needs to be bought. Physically putting the cable into place is also a real chore all on its own—it means wrestling with yards and yards of fragile and expensive materials. It can be a frustrating and costly exercise, but there are other ways to do it. Air-blown fiber optic cabling is an increasingly popular option for West Virginia business owners who want to maximize the efficiency and speed of their networks.
What is air-blown fiber optic cabling?
Air-blown fiber optic cabling in West Virginia is a relatively new technology—the first networks using it emerged around 1982. It was first conceived as a way to make networks more versatile and responsive to the changing needs of businesses, and it accomplishes this in a few ways.
Put simply, the system uses compressed air or nitrogen to blow fibers and cables through conduits, rather than manually snaking them through. Additionally, individual fibers can later be blown through these cables, giving you an added layer of versatility and capacity for growth.
Benefits of air-blown cabling
First, air-blown fiber optic cables are a great network cabling option in West Virginia when it comes to the use of space. Fiber optic cables can use as little as one sixth of the space of traditional network cables, which means your conduits can fit far more lines into the same area.
Second, their ease of installation and alteration means they can easily keep pace with the growth of your business or the furthering of fiber optic technology. If you add enough people to necessitate more cabling throughout your building, it’s simply a matter of blowing another fiber or two down the cable that was previously blown into place. Gone are the frustrating days of ripping out old cables and adding new ones by hand—air-blown technology means updating your tech can be a snap.
Why choose air-blown fiber optic cabling?
On top of all of the benefits previously discussed, air-blown fiber optic cabling in West Virginia takes out a lot of the guesswork of your anticipated technology needs. By having a system that can so easily be tailored, you don’t need to feel like you’re grasping in the dark about what you’ll need in the future. Air-blown cabling means you can feel confident that your infrastructure can respond to your needs, and not the other way around.
A fiber optic cable system can maximize and optimize your business’s technology, but for how long? Technology advances so quickly, and you should be prepared to implement any new developments that can help your operation. An air-blown fiber optics system installed by experts allows your business to keep pace with the competition at minimal cost and disruption to your network and your workers. If this sounds good to you, give our team at GlobalTech Communications a call today, and be sure to ask us about our preferred FutureFlex line of products!